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Health Services (Nurse)

Health and Nursing support

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For complete information about health services including information on immunizations, clinics, and other important information, please refer to our Health Services section of the section of the website. 

Student Emergencies

During the first week of school, your child’s teacher will send home forms for emergency contact information. Having this information returned promptly and correctly is important to the safety and well-being of our students. While we encourage families to update contact information in the Skylert section in our Skyward student information system, we must have written cards for our nurses.  Please make sure all telephone numbers, addresses and e-mail accounts are accurate and clearly written. Remember to put the name and telephone number of a person who can be contacted in case you cannot be reached. It is very important that these handwritten records be kept up to date. Please notify the school if your address, email, or telephone number changes at home or at work and update in the Skyward Skylert system as well.

 Emergency card information is used to notify you in case your child becomes ill or is injured during the school day. Please contact the school nurse immediately whenever there is a change in the required emergency card information. This may include changes in medications, immunizations, physical and dental forms, or vision and hearing changes.

The nurse should be notified if your child has been diagnosed or is suspected to have a communicable disease. Some examples are:

  • head lice
  • strep throat
  • pink eye
  • chicken pox
  • ringworm
  • pinworms
  • scabies
  • skin staph infections

Please make every effort to administer medicine before or after school. Medication administered during school hours, must be accompanied by a physician’s written request including diagnosis, dosage and how it should be administered. Medication must be in the original labeled pharmacy container with the student’s name, type of medication, dosage and date. Medication must be taken to the nurse by a parent.

For complete information about health services, including information on immunizations, clinics, and other important information, please refer to our Health Services section of the website. 


Several students at Aston Elementary have severe food, environmental and latex allergies. Food and environmental allergies can lead to a potentially critical situation. The only way to avoid an allergic or anaphylactic reaction is to avoid the offending foods or environmental triggers. Please instruct your child to never share food with other classmates in the classroom or during lunch in the cafeteria. Also, please note latex balloons are not permitted at Aston Elementary for classroom or school-wide celebrations; Mylar balloons are an acceptable alternative.