Student supervision begins at 8:35 AM and children should NOT arrive at school before that time. Children may enter the building upon arrival at 8:35 AM and report to the gym. Students who arrive after 8:50 AM are considered late and must report to the office with a signed late note or report before arrival in the SchoolMessenger SafeArrival system.
Students in grades Kindergarten through Fifth grade are dismissed at 3:25 PM. All parents must report to the office when picking up their child for an early dismissal. Students are not permitted to leave the building before dismissal time without a request in SchoolMessenger Safe Arrival or via written note. This request must include the student’s name, date, time, reason, and parent’s signature. If a child is to be picked up by someone other than a parent, advance notice must be given to the office. Identification will be requested of anyone who comes to pick up a student during the school day. Children must be signed out from the office before being dismissed.
Students who are driven to school must be dropped off and picked up through the car line. Students who ride the bus will enter through the gym doors upon arrival and will be called to the gym at dismissal where they will line up to board their bus.
Drop Off/Pick Up Procedures
Please observe the “Reserved” and “No Parking” signs as well as the traffic patterns that have been set up. If you are dropping off or picking up a child at the beginning or end of the day, you must follow the rules of the car line. During the day, visitor spaces may be available in front of the school. Kindergarten parents must also use the car line.